Check if Core S operating temperature was exceeded

How you can check if a SYMPL Core S exceeded its operating temperature range.

If the chassis temperature goes above 55 °C, the Core S writes a message into his log.
If the CPU core temperature goes above 80 °C, the Core S writes a message into his log.

Quite easy to check, just follow these steps:
  • Download the logfiles (Core S Web-UI > Maintenance > Download log files)
  • -> your browser will give you a .zip file containing all the log files of this Core S (for example
  • unzip all logfiles to a folder
  • use a tool (for example Notepad++) to search within all files of a folder, search for "temp"
  • if you find messages like below, you directly have the timestamp of the log entry
WARN  2021-04-22 07:17:54,478 [Thread Pool Worker] Core - Chassis temperature is very high: 55 °C
WARN  2021-04-22 07:39:36,746 [Thread Pool Worker] Core - Core temperature is very high: 80 °C

Note: the current temperature is logged, so it can deffer from 55 or 80 respectively.
Note: By default, the Core S stores logfiles for a period of 90 days (can be changed in Web-UI > Settings).