⚙ IP address/Subnet mask/Gateway Settings cannot be modified

We detected some firmware versions, where the settings of the node cannot be changed in the node´s web interface.
Using Sympholight, it is still possible to change the IP-Address, subnet mask, gateway address and DHCP Flag.
But if you need to change the password, gateway or other specific settings you need a different firmware.
We issue a list of concerned SYMPL Nodes with the specific firmware, that has to be replaced:

Node            - current firmware - correct firmware
e:bus Node - V1.0.87                    - V1.0.57
Input Node - V1.0.83                    - V1.0.67
Serial Node - V1.0.102                  - V1.0.60

All firmwares are attached to this article.

Please keep in mind, that SYMPHOLIGHT V5.2 will show the sign with exclamation mark in the Devices view and Device Manager Dialog, in order to show, that this is not the actual firmware. In this case, ignore the warning.
We will provide the actual firmware versions with the next version of SYMPHOLIGHT.

How to update a firmware file:
  1. Start Sympholight with a new project.
  2. Put the concerned nodes into the project. Nodes need different ip addresses.
  3. If the nodes are already in a different project, break that connection.
  4. Please check, that all nodes have different Ip-Addresses.
  5. Select all specific nodes of the same type. (Do not mix different types like e:bus Node and input Node.)
  6. In the context Menu select "Upload File".
  7. In the Dialog keep the standard settings: target "n:\firmware" and runlevel "Bootloader", no retry on error.
  8. Browse to the corresponding firmware file.
  9. Click "upload".
  10. All devices will be updated simultaneously.
  11. Sympholight V5.2 may not show the change instantly. When opening and closing the Device Manager Dialog, or selecting between different Nodes you will see the updated Software Version for verification.
  12. Repeat these steps for each other type of SYMPL Node, if necessary.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Attached Files