Which IP-Ports are used by e:cue hardware and software?

The question is asked, when there are firewalls to be configured or network connections to be setup.

So here you will find a sum up of normally used ports.
Some of the ports will be used in future releases.
Please keep in mind, that you can specify ports for UDP send and Receive in the workflow. These ports are project specific.

80:* Web-Server / ActionPad default on the Core-S
123: NTP
443*: SymphoCity gRPC (HTTP/2), REST API (HTTPS)
1337:* Send / Receive UDP default port
5000:* Rest-API http default
5001:* Rest-API https default
5002:* static file hosting default
5004:° SYMPHOLIGHT Backend Services
5005:° SYMPHOLIGHT Backend Services with TLS
5568: streaming ACN
5984:* Send To Network default port
6454: ArtNet
8081:* Web-Server / ActionPad default on a PC or LCE
8883: MQTT over TCP (TLS secured), default
8883*: SymphoCity MQTT
8884*: SymphoCity MQTT
31772: e:net communication
(1883:  MQTT over TCP not secured, no default)
1947: HASP 

*All ports, marked with an asterisk (*) can be defined and changed in the software settings.
°These ports may be changed in future versions of Sympholight.