Unfortunately you cannot export this information with a Sympholight function.
But the attached project will do this for you. And it shows how to walk through the RDM objects by Script.
Just follow the steps:
- Start SYMPHOLIGT V5.2 or later.
- Open the project RdmAnalyzer_V5.2.hfp.
- In the Setup Tab open the Device Manager.
- Select and add all available controller.
- Switch to the RDM view.
- Select all available devices and enable RDM.
- Wait until the discovery is done.
- Open the ActionPad and press the Log RDM Data button.
- This might take a while, depending on the size of the project.
- The ActionPad will show you the file location, where the RDM log has been saved.
Now you can open the file and work with it. It is a normal txt file.
The scripts contained in the project are also attached separately:
- RdmAnalyzer will walk through the RDM tree and log all available data.
If you want to process the data in a different format, you can change this, so that you will get .csv or .xml files. - RdmDataLogger will just write a list of strings into a file.
The project and scripts are provided as is as a proof of concept without any warranty. Use it on your own risk.