Sympholight more UI performance with tiles

Sympholight can handle better huge number of pixels in tiles than in a single fixture.

50.000 Pixel in 5000 (10Pixel) Tiles

are easier to handle than:

50.000 single RGB Fixtures in a patch

For example, you have a project with many Dot Strings with the same pixel configuration

With the old library editor, you can create your own “User Library entries” for Fixtures and Tiles.
Tiles are built from Base Fixtures out of the Main Library.

But sometimes you need to have a gap between the fixtures (Dot-Strings…) …currently all base fixtures are close to each other:



You can provide DMX Channel “0” to pixels you do not want to use in Sympholight.
Readdress the pixel you want to keep:

You can provide also a different dimension to the whole tile:

The “0-addressed”- pixel will be visible in Sympholight but ignored when generating content…they stay black

Quick performance test on an old i5 office laptop SL5.2 SR1:

64.000 Single RGB Fixture (no gap)

The UI is slow… hard to handle

8000 x 8pixel Tubes = 64.000 Pixel

The UI is still OK. Easy to handle.